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local export = {}
Authorship: Ben Wing <benwing2>
-- "slot" = A particular combination of tense/aspect/person/number, or for participles
a particular combination of tense/aspect/voice/case/gender/number/definiteness.
Example slot names for nouns are "pres_1sg" (present first singular) and
"paap_def_obj_m_sg" (definite objective masculine singular past active aorist participle).
Each slot is filled with zero or more forms.
-- "form" = The conjugated Bulgarian form representing the value of a given slot.
For example, реши́лия is a form, representing the value of the paap_def_obj_m_sg
slot of the lemma реша́.
-- "lemma" = The dictionary form of a given Bulgarian term. Generally the first singular
present, but may occasionally be another form if the first singular present is missing.
local lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode("bg")
local m_links = require("Module:links")
local m_table = require("Module:table")
local m_string_utilities = require("Module:string utilities")
local iut = require("Module:inflection utilities")
local m_para = require("Module:parameters")
local m_bg_translit = require("Module:bg-translit")
local com = require("Module:bg-common")
local current_title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle()
local NAMESPACE = current_title.nsText
local PAGENAME = current_title.text
local u = require("Module:string/char")
local rsplit = mw.text.split
local rfind = mw.ustring.find
local rmatch = mw.ustring.match
local rgmatch = mw.ustring.gmatch
local rsubn = mw.ustring.gsub
local ulen = mw.ustring.len
local uupper = mw.ustring.upper
local AC = u(0x0301) -- acute = ́
-- version of rsubn() that discards all but the first return value
local function rsub(term, foo, bar)
local retval = rsubn(term, foo, bar)
return retval
local function link(term)
return m_links.full_link({lang = lang, term = term, tr = "-"})
local verb_slots = {
-- present tense
"pres_1sg", "pres_2sg", "pres_3sg", "pres_1pl", "pres_2pl", "pres_3pl",
-- imperfect
"impf_1sg", "impf_2sg", "impf_3sg", "impf_1pl", "impf_2pl", "impf_3pl",
-- aorist
"aor_1sg", "aor_2sg", "aor_3sg", "aor_1pl", "aor_2pl", "aor_3pl",
-- imperative
"impv_sg", "impv_pl",
-- present active participle
"prap_ind_m_sg", "prap_def_sub_m_sg", "prap_def_obj_m_sg",
"prap_ind_f_sg", "prap_def_f_sg", "prap_ind_n_sg", "prap_def_n_sg",
"prap_ind_pl", "prap_def_pl",
-- past active aorist participle
"paap_ind_m_sg", "paap_def_sub_m_sg", "paap_def_obj_m_sg",
"paap_ind_f_sg", "paap_def_f_sg", "paap_ind_n_sg", "paap_def_n_sg",
"paap_ind_pl", "paap_def_pl",
-- past active imperfect participle
"paip_m_sg", "paip_f_sg", "paip_n_sg", "paip_pl",
-- past passive participle
"ppp_ind_m_sg", "ppp_def_sub_m_sg", "ppp_def_obj_m_sg",
"ppp_ind_f_sg", "ppp_def_f_sg", "ppp_ind_n_sg", "ppp_def_n_sg",
"ppp_ind_pl", "ppp_def_pl",
-- verbal noun
"vn_ind_sg", "vn_def_sg", "vn_ind_pl", "vn_def_pl",
-- adverbial participle
local impers_verb_slots = m_table.listToSet({
"prap_ind_n_sg", "prap_def_n_sg",
"paap_ind_n_sg", "paap_def_n_sg",
"ppp_ind_n_sg", "ppp_def_n_sg",
"vn_ind_sg", "vn_def_sg", "vn_ind_pl", "vn_def_pl",
local suppressed_acceleration_slots = m_table.listToSet({
"vn_def_sg", "vn_ind_pl", "vn_def_pl",
local prefix_to_accel_form = {
["pres"] = "pres|ind",
["impf"] = "impf|ind",
["aor"] = "aor|ind",
["impv"] = "imp",
["prap"] = "pres|act|part",
["paap"] = "past|act|aor|part",
["paip"] = "past|act|impf|part",
["ppp"] = "past|pass|part",
["vn"] = "vnoun",
["advp"] = "adv|part",
local suffix_to_accel_form = {
-- suffixes for finite forms
["1sg"] = "1|s",
["2sg"] = "2|s",
["3sg"] = "3|s",
["1pl"] = "1|p",
["2pl"] = "2|p",
["3pl"] = "3|p",
-- additional suffixes for imperatives
["sg"] = "s",
["pl"] = "p",
-- suffixes for participles that can have definite forms
["ind_m_sg"] = "indef|m|s",
["def_sub_m_sg"] = "def|sbj|m|s",
["def_obj_m_sg"] = "def|obj|m|s",
["ind_f_sg"] = "indef|f|s",
["def_f_sg"] = "def|f|s",
["ind_n_sg"] = "indef|n|s",
["def_n_sg"] = "def|n|s",
["ind_pl"] = "indef|p",
["def_pl"] = "def|p",
-- suffixes for participles that only have indefinite forms (i.e. imperfect participle)
-- ("pl" already handled above)
["m_sg"] = "m|s",
["f_sg"] = "f|s",
["n_sg"] = "n|s",
-- additional verbal noun suffixes
["ind_sg"] = "indef|s",
["def_sg"] = "def|s",
local function slot_to_accel_form(slot)
if suppressed_acceleration_slots[slot] then return nil end
local prefix, suffix = rmatch(slot, "^([a-z]+)_(.*)$")
if not prefix then
return prefix_to_accel_form[slot]
return suffix_to_accel_form[suffix] .. "|" .. prefix_to_accel_form[prefix]
local verb_notr_slots = {
"paap_ind_m_sg", "paap_ind_f_sg", "paap_ind_n_sg", "paap_ind_pl",
"paip_m_sg", "paip_f_sg", "paip_n_sg", "paip_pl",
local base_slots = {
"prap", -- masculine indefinite singular present active participle
"paap", -- masculine indefinite singular past active aorist participle
"paap_pl", -- masculine indefinite plural past active aorist participle
"paip", -- masculine indefinite singular past active imperfect participle
"advp", -- adverbial participle
"pres", -- present 1sg
"pres2", -- present 2sg
"impf", -- imperfect 1sg
"impf2", -- imperfect 2sg
"aor", -- aorist 1sg
"aor2", -- aorist 2sg
"impv", -- imperative singular
"vn", -- verbal noun
-- Used to determine if a perfective verb is prefixed; such verbs can't have
-- a stress-shifted aorist. This will have false positives; such verbs should
-- be indicated using (-pref).
local prefixes = {
"^[дп]о", -- also catches под-
"^[зн]а", -- also catches над-
"^о" .. com.non_vowel_c, -- also catches об-, от-
"^пр[еио]", -- also catches пред-
"^[вс][^аеиоуяю]", -- also catches въ-, съ–
local function verb_may_be_prefixed(lemma)
for _, prefix in ipairs(prefixes) do
if rfind(lemma, prefix) then
return true
return false
local function map_append(forms, suffix)
return iut.map_form_or_forms(forms, function(form) return form .. suffix end)
local function map_rsub(forms, from, to)
return iut.map_form_or_forms(forms, function(form) return rsub(form, from, to) end)
local function conjugate_all(base)
local function combine_stem_ending(stem, ending)
if stem == "?" then
return "?"
return stem .. ending
local function add(slot, stems, ending)
if stems == nil then
if type(stems) == "string" then
iut.insert_form(base.forms, slot, {form = combine_stem_ending(stems, ending)})
if stems.form then
stems = {stems}
for _, stem in ipairs(stems) do
if type(stem) == "string" then
stem = {form = stem}
iut.insert_form(base.forms, slot, {form = combine_stem_ending(stem.form, ending), footnotes = stem.footnotes})
local function conjugate_participle(baseslot, msg, fsg, nsg, pl)
add(baseslot .. "_ind_m_sg", msg, "")
add(baseslot .. "_def_sub_m_sg", pl, "ят")
add(baseslot .. "_def_obj_m_sg", pl, "я")
add(baseslot .. "_ind_f_sg", fsg, "")
add(baseslot .. "_def_f_sg", fsg, "та")
add(baseslot .. "_ind_n_sg", nsg, "")
add(baseslot .. "_def_n_sg", nsg, "то")
add(baseslot .. "_ind_pl", pl, "")
add(baseslot .. "_def_pl", pl, "те")
local function conjugate_aor_impf(baseslot, stem, stem23)
add(baseslot .. "_1sg", stem, "")
add(baseslot .. "_2sg", stem23, "")
add(baseslot .. "_3sg", stem23, "")
add(baseslot .. "_1pl", stem, "ме")
add(baseslot .. "_2pl", stem, "те")
add(baseslot .. "_3pl", stem, "а")
if base.aspect ~= "pf" then
conjugate_participle("prap", base.prap, map_append(base.prap, "а"),
map_append(base.prap, "о"), map_append(base.prap, "и"))
conjugate_participle("paap", base.paap, base.paapf, base.paapn, base.paappl)
if base.trans == "tr" then
conjugate_participle("ppp", base.ppp, map_append(base.ppp, "а"), map_append(base.ppp, "о"),
add("paip_m_sg", base.paip, "")
add("paip_f_sg", base.paipf, "")
add("paip_n_sg", base.paipn, "")
add("paip_pl", base.paippl, "")
if base.aspect ~= "pf" then
add("vn_ind_sg", base.vn, "")
add("vn_def_sg", base.vn, "то")
-- Some verbal nouns are ending-stressed, but the plural in -ия pushes
-- the stress onto the stem.
add("vn_ind_pl", iut.map_form_or_forms(base.vn, function(form)
return com.maybe_stress_final_syllable(rsub(form, "е́?$", ""))
end), "ия")
add("vn_def_pl", iut.map_form_or_forms(base.vn, function(form)
return com.maybe_stress_final_syllable(rsub(form, "е́?$", ""))
end), "ията")
add("vn_ind_pl", base.vn, "та")
add("vn_def_pl", base.vn, "тата")
add("pres_1sg", base.pres1sg, "")
add("pres_2sg", base.pres2sg, "")
add("pres_3sg", base.pres3sg, "")
add("pres_1pl", base.pres1pl, "")
add("pres_2pl", base.pres2pl, "")
add("pres_3pl", base.pres3pl, "")
conjugate_aor_impf("aor", base.aor, base.aor23)
conjugate_aor_impf("impf", base.impf, base.impf23)
add("impv_sg", base.impv, "")
add("impv_pl", base.impvpl, "")
if base.aspect ~= "pf" then
add("advp", base.advp, "")
local function add_reflexive_suffix(base)
for _, slot in ipairs(verb_slots) do
if not rfind(slot, "^vn_") then
base.forms[slot] = iut.map_forms(base.forms[slot], function(form)
return form .. " " .. base.refl
local function remove_non_impersonal_forms(base)
for _, slot in ipairs(verb_slots) do
if not impers_verb_slots[slot] then
base.forms[slot] = nil
local function add_categories(base)
base.categories = {}
if base.aspect == "impf" then
table.insert(base.categories, "Bulgarian imperfective verbs")
elseif base.aspect == "pf" then
table.insert(base.categories, "Bulgarian perfective verbs")
assert(base.aspect == "both")
table.insert(base.categories, "Bulgarian imperfective verbs")
table.insert(base.categories, "Bulgarian perfective verbs")
table.insert(base.categories, "Bulgarian biaspectual verbs")
if base.trans == "tr" then
table.insert(base.categories, "คำสกรรมกริยาภาษาบัลแกเรีย")
elseif base.trans == "intr" then
table.insert(base.categories, "คำอกรรมกริยาภาษาบัลแกเรีย")
if base.refl then
table.insert(base.categories, "คำกริยาสะท้อนภาษาบัลแกเรีย")
if base.irreg or base.conj == "irreg" then
table.insert(base.categories, "คำกริยาไม่ปรกติภาษาบัลแกเรีย")
if base.conj ~= "irreg" then
table.insert(base.categories, "Bulgarian conjugation " .. base.conj .. " verbs")
local function pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
local stem, last_letter, accent = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)(.)[ая](́?)$")
if not stem then
error("Unrecognized lemma for conjugation 1: '" .. lemma .. "'")
local last_letter_pal = com.first_palatalization[last_letter] or last_letter
base.pres3sg = stem .. last_letter_pal .. "е" .. accent
-- defaults to 1sg + т, but set it explicitly in case we're called
-- from ям, дам, знам, with irregular 1sg
base.pres3pl = lemma .. "т"
base.advp = base.pres3sg .. "йки"
local function pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
local stem, accent = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)[ая](́?)$")
if not stem then
error("Unrecognized lemma for conjugation 2: '" .. lemma .. "'")
base.pres3sg = stem .. "и" .. accent
base.advp = stem .. "е" .. accent .. "йки"
local function impf_12conj(base, lemma)
local stem, last_letter, accent = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)(.)[ая](́?)$")
if not stem then
error("Unrecognized lemma for conjugation 1 or 2: '" .. lemma .. "'")
local last_letter_pal = com.first_palatalization[last_letter] or last_letter
local full_stem = stem .. last_letter_pal
base.impf23 = full_stem .. "е" .. accent .. "ше"
if accent == AC then
if rfind(last_letter_pal, "[жчш]") then
base.impf = {full_stem .. "а́х", {form = full_stem .. "е́х", footnotes = {"[largely fallen into disuse]"}}}
base.impf = full_stem .. "я́х"
-- This is the only case where the imperfect participle's vowel
-- disagrees with the imperfect 1sg vowel, since it's a yat vowel
-- followed by a front vowel. In other cases, postprocess_base()
-- will automatically generate the imperfect participle bases based
-- on the imperfect 1sg.
base.paippl = full_stem .. "е́ли"
base.impf = full_stem .. "ех"
local function generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, aor23, shifted_aor23)
if base.aspect ~= "pf" or not base.prefixed then
shifted_aor23 = shifted_aor23 or rsub(aor23, AC, "") .. AC
if aor23 ~= shifted_aor23 then
base.aor23 = {aor23, {form = shifted_aor23, footnotes = {"[dialectally marked]"}}}
base.aor23 = aor23
base.aor23 = aor23
local function impv_12conj(base, lemma)
local stem, last_letter = rmatch(lemma, "^(.-)(.)́?[ая]́?$")
if not stem then
error("Unrecognized lemma for conjugation 1 or 2: '" .. lemma .. "'")
last_letter = com.first_palatalization[last_letter] or last_letter
local full_stem = stem .. last_letter
if rfind(last_letter, com.vowel_c) then
base.impv = com.maybe_stress_final_syllable(full_stem) .. "й"
full_stem = rsub(full_stem, AC, "")
base.impv = full_stem .. "и́"
base.impvpl = full_stem .. "е́те"
local function impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
impf_12conj(base, lemma)
impv_12conj(base, lemma)
local conjs = {}
conjs["1.1"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
local stem, last_letter = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)(.)а́?$")
if not stem then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.1: '" .. lemma .. "'")
stem = com.maybe_stress_final_syllable(stem)
-- Generate aorist stems (and various other stems for вля́за).
local last_letter_pal = com.first_palatalization[last_letter] or last_letter
if rfind(lemma, "ля́за$") then
local full_stem = stem .. last_letter
local unyat_stem = rsub(full_stem, "ля́з$", "ле́з")
base.aor = full_stem .. "ох"
base.aor23 = unyat_stem .. "е"
base.impf = unyat_stem .. "ех"
base.impf23 = unyat_stem .. "еше"
base.pres3sg = unyat_stem .. "е"
base.impv = unyat_stem
base.irreg = true
elseif rfind(lemma, "[бв]лека́$") or rfind(lemma, "сека́$") then
base.aor = rsub(stem, "^(.*)е", "%1я") .. last_letter .. "ох"
base.aor23 = stem .. last_letter_pal .. "е"
base.aor = stem .. last_letter .. "ох"
base.aor23 = stem .. last_letter_pal .. "е"
-- Generate aorist participle stems.
if rfind(lemma, "раста́$") then
base.paap = stem .. "ъл"
base.paapf = stem .. "ла"
base.irreg = true
elseif last_letter == "д" or last_letter == "т" then
base.paap = stem .. "л"
local full_stem = rsub(base.aor, "ох$", "")
base.paap = full_stem .. "ъл"
base.paapf = full_stem .. "ла"
base.paappl = rsub(full_stem, "я", "е") .. "ли"
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = stem .. last_letter_pal .. "ен"
-- Generate verbal noun stems.
base.vna = base.aor23 .. "не"
conjs["1.2"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, "а́?$") then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.2: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate aorist stems.
local aor23
if rfind(lemma, "ера́$") then
-- бера́, дера́, пера́ and derivatives
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ера́$", "ра́")
elseif rfind(lemma, "греба́$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "греба́$", "гре́ба")
base.irreg = true
elseif rfind(lemma, "гриза́$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "гриза́$", "гри́за")
base.irreg = true
elseif rfind(lemma, "я́") then
-- дя́на (Chitanka type 153tt)
-- бя́лна се, дя́лна, избя́гна, мля́сна, мя́рна, отбя́гна, пробя́гна, ря́зна (Chitanka type 152att)
-- забя́гна, кря́кна, кря́сна, побя́гна, прибя́гна, убя́гна (Chitanka type 152ait)
local unyat_stem = rsub(lemma, "я́(.*)а$", "е́%1")
local unstressed_unyat_stem = rsub(unyat_stem, "е́", "е")
local shifted_aor23 = unstressed_unyat_stem .. "а́"
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, lemma, shifted_aor23)
base.impf = unyat_stem .. "ех"
base.impf23 = unyat_stem .. "еше"
base.pres3sg = unyat_stem .. "е"
base.impv = unstressed_unyat_stem .. "и́"
base.impvpl = unstressed_unyat_stem .. "е́те"
base.irreg = true
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, lemma)
if aor23 then
base.aor23 = aor23
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = aor23 and aor23 .. "н" or rfind(lemma, "на́?$") and lemma .. "т" or lemma .. "н"
-- Generate verbal noun stems.
if rfind(lemma, "на́?$") then
base.vna = false
elseif rfind(lemma, "ера́$") then
base.vna = rsub(lemma, "ера́$", "ране́")
base.vni = false
conjs["1.3"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, "я́?$") then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.3: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate aorist stems.
local aor23
if rfind(lemma, "дре́мя$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "дре́мя$", "дря́ма")
local shifted_aor23 = rsub(lemma, "дре́мя$", "дрема́")
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, aor23, shifted_aor23)
base.irreg = true
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "^(.*)я", "%1а")
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, rsub(lemma, "^(.*)я", "%1а"))
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = aor23 .. "н"
conjs["1.4"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
-- Generate aorist stems.
local aor23
local skip_generate_aorist = false
if rfind(lemma, "лъ́жа$") or rfind(lemma, "стри́жа$") or rfind(lemma, "стъ́ржа$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "жа$", "га")
elseif rfind(lemma, "ре́жа$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ре́жа$", "ря́за")
local shifted_aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ре́жа", "реза́")
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, aor23, shifted_aor23)
skip_generate_aorist = true
base.irreg = true
elseif rfind(lemma, "жа$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "жа$", "за")
elseif rfind(lemma, "ча$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ча$", "ка")
elseif rfind(lemma, "ша$") then
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ша$", "са")
elseif rfind(lemma, "ща$") then -- тра́ща
aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ща$", "та")
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.4: '" .. lemma .. "'")
if not skip_generate_aorist then
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, aor23)
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = aor23 .. "н"
conjs["1.5"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, "[рщ]а́$") then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.5: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate aorist stems.
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "а́$", "я́")
base.paappl = rsub(lemma, "а́$", "е́ли")
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "н"
base.ppppl = rsub(base.aor23, "я́$", "е́") .. "ни"
conjs["1.6"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, "[аяе]́я$") then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.6: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate aorist stems.
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, lemma)
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
if rfind(lemma, "зна́я$") then
base.ppp = rsub(lemma, "я$", "ен")
base.irreg = true
base.ppp = lemma .. "н"
conjs["1.7"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
local ppp_endings
if base.ppp_ending == "т" then
ppp_endings = "т"
elseif base.ppp_ending == "тн" then
ppp_endings = {"т", "н"}
elseif base.ppp_ending == "нт" then
ppp_endings = {"н", "т"}
ppp_endings = "н"
-- Generate aorist and past passive participle stems.
if rfind(lemma, "ма$") then
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ма$", "")
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "т"
elseif rfind(lemma, "[жчш]е́я$") then
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "е́я$", "а́")
base.ppp = iut.map_form_or_forms(ppp_endings, function(ending) return base.aor23 .. ending end)
elseif rfind(lemma, "е́я$") then
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "е́я$", "я́")
local yat_plural_stem = rsub(lemma, "е́я$", "е́")
base.paappl = yat_plural_stem .. "ли"
base.ppp = iut.map_form_or_forms(ppp_endings, function(ending) return base.aor23 .. ending end)
base.ppppl = iut.map_form_or_forms(ppp_endings, function(ending) return yat_plural_stem .. ending .. "и" end)
elseif rfind(lemma, "[аяиую]́я$") then
-- For verbs in -я́я (влия́я, сия́я), this results in an aorist participle
-- in -я́л, but per rechnik.chitanka.info it stays as -я́ли in the plural,
-- not **-е́ли.
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "я$", "")
if rfind(lemma, "[иую]́я$") then
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "т"
base.ppp = iut.map_form_or_forms(ppp_endings, function(ending) return base.aor23 .. ending end)
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 1.7: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate verbal noun stems.
if rfind(lemma, "[еиую]́я$") then
base.vna = false
conjs["2.1"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
-- Generate aorist stems.
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, rsub(lemma, "^(.*)[ая]", "%1и"))
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = rsub(lemma, "^(.*)[ая](́?)$", "%1е%2н")
-- Generate verbal noun stems.
base.vna = base.ppp .. "е"
base.vni = false
conjs["2.2"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, "я́$") then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 2.2: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate aorist stems.
base.aor23 = lemma
local oya = rfind(lemma, "оя́$") -- стоя́, боя́ се
local yat_plural_stem = oya and lemma or rsub(lemma, "я́$", "е́")
base.paappl = yat_plural_stem .. "ли"
if oya then
-- стоя has both стоя́не and стое́не as verbal nouns
base.vna = lemma .. "не"
base.paippl = lemma .. "ли"
base.irreg = true
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "н"
base.ppppl = yat_plural_stem .. "ни"
conjs["2.3"] = function(base, lemma)
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, "[жчш]а́$") then
error("Unrecognized lemma for class 2.3: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate aorist stems.
base.aor23 = lemma
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "н"
-- Handle irregularities
if rfind(lemma, "държа́$") then
base.impv = rsub(lemma, "държа́$", "дръ́ж")
base.irreg = true
conjs["3"] = function(base, lemma)
local stem = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*[ая])м$")
if not stem then
error("Unrecognized lemma for conjugation 3: '" .. lemma .. "'")
-- Generate present stems.
base.pres3sg = stem
base.pres1pl = stem .. "ме"
base.pres3pl = stem .. "т"
-- Generate imperfect stems.
base.impf = stem .. "х"
base.impf23 = stem .. "ше"
-- Generate aorist stems.
generate_maybe_shifted_aorist(base, stem)
-- Generate imperative stems.
base.impv = stem .. "й"
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = stem .. "н"
-- Generate adverbial participle.
base.advp = stem .. "йки"
conjs["irreg"] = function(base, lemma)
base.irreg = true
if rfind(lemma, "я́м$") then
conjs["1.1"](base, rsub(lemma, "я́м$", "яда́"))
base.vni = false
base.impv = rsub(lemma, "м$", "ж")
base.conj = "1.1"
elseif rfind(lemma, "съ́м$") then
local stem = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)съ́м$")
base.pres2sg = stem .. "си́"
base.pres3sg = stem .. "е́"
base.pres1pl = stem .. "сме́"
base.pres2pl = stem .. "сте́"
base.pres3pl = stem .. "са́"
base.aor = stem .. "бя́х"
base.aor23 = {stem .. "бе́", stem .. "бе́ше"}
base.impf = stem .. "бя́х"
base.impf23 = stem .. "бе́ше"
base.prap = false
base.paap = stem .. "би́л"
base.paapf = stem .. "била́"
base.paip = stem .. "би́л"
base.paipf = stem .. "била́"
base.advp = {stem .. "бъ́дейки", stem .. "би́дейки"}
base.impv = "бъди́"
base.impvpl = "бъде́те"
base.vna = false
base.vni = false
elseif rfind(lemma, "бъ́да$") then
local stem = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)бъ́да$")
base.pres3sg = stem .. "бъ́де"
base.aor = {stem .. "би́х", stem .. "би́дох"}
base.aor23 = {stem .. "би́", stem .. "би́де"}
base.impf = {stem .. "бъ́дех", stem .. "бя́х"}
base.impf23 = {stem .. "бъ́деше", stem .. "бе́ше"}
base.prap = stem .. "бъ́дещ"
base.paap = stem .. "би́л"
base.paapf = stem .. "била́"
base.paip = stem .. "бъ́дел"
base.advp = {stem .. "бъ́дейки", stem .. "би́дейки"}
base.impv = "бъди́"
base.impvpl = "бъде́те"
base.vna = false
base.vni = false
elseif rfind(lemma, "ща́") then
local stem = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)ща́$")
base.pres3sg = stem .. "ще́"
base.aor = stem .. "щя́х"
base.aor23 = {stem .. "щя́", stem .. "ще́ше"}
base.impf = stem .. "щя́х"
base.impf23 = stem .. "ще́ше"
base.prap = false
base.paap = stem .. "щя́л"
base.paappl = stem .. "ще́ли"
base.paip = stem .. "щя́л"
base.paippl = stem .. "ще́ли"
base.vna = false
base.vni = false
elseif rfind(lemma, "зна́м$") then
conjs["1.6"](base, rsub(lemma, "а́м$", "а́я"))
base.conj = "1.6"
elseif rfind(lemma, "да́м$") then
conjs["1.1"](base, rsub(lemma, "да́м$", "дада́"))
base.impv = rsub(lemma, "м$", "й")
base.conj = "1.1"
elseif rfind(lemma, "йда$") then -- до́йда, за́йда, подо́йда, придо́йда
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor = rsub(lemma, AC .. "йда$", "йдо́х")
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, AC .. "йда$", "йде́")
base.paap = rsub(lemma, AC .. "йда$", "шъ́л")
base.paapf = rsub(lemma, AC .. "йда$", "шла́")
if lemma == "до́йда" then
base.impv = "ела́"
base.impvpl = base.impv .. "те"
-- no past passive participle
base.vna = false
base.conj = "1.1"
elseif rfind(lemma, "и́да$") then -- и́да, оти́да, пооти́да, разоти́да
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
if lemma ~= "и́да" then
-- base verb и́да doesn't have aorist or aorist participle forms
base.aor = rsub(lemma, "да$", "дох")
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "да$", "де")
base.paap = {rsub(lemma, "да$", "шъл"), rsub(lemma, "и́да$", "ишъ́л"),
{form=rsub(lemma, "да$", "шел"), footnotes={"[dialectal]"}}}
base.paapf = {rsub(lemma, "да$", "шла"), rsub(lemma, "и́да$", "ишла́")}
-- no past passive participle, no verbal noun
base.vna = false
base.vni = false
base.conj = "1.1"
elseif rfind(lemma, "мо́га$") then
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_12conj(base, lemma)
-- no imperative
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "мо́га$", "можа́")
local reg_aor23 = rsub(lemma, "мо́га$", "можа́л")
base.paap = {rsub(lemma, "мо́га$", "могъ́л"), reg_aor23}
base.paapf = {rsub(lemma, "мо́га$", "могла́"), reg_aor23 .. "а"}
-- no past passive participle
base.vna = false
elseif rfind(lemma, "спя́$") then
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "я́$", "а́")
-- no past passive participle
base.vna = rsub(lemma, "я́$", "ане́")
base.vni = false
elseif rfind(lemma, "ме́ля$") then
local stem = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*)я$")
base.pres3sg = {stem .. "е", stem .. "и"}
base.advp = stem .. "ейки"
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "е́ля$", "ля́")
local yat_plural_stem = rsub(lemma, "е́ля$", "ле́")
base.paappl = yat_plural_stem .. "ли"
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "н"
base.ppppl = yat_plural_stem .. "ни"
base.vna = false
-- prefixed variants are perfective and don't have verbal nouns
base.vni = {"ме́лене", {form="мле́не", footnotes={"[colloquial]"}}, {form="млене́", footnotes={"[colloquial]"}}}
elseif rfind(lemma, "ко́ля$") then
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = {rsub(lemma, "о́ля$", "ла́"), rsub(lemma, "я$", "и")}
base.ppp = {rsub(lemma, "о́ля$", "ла́н"), rsub(lemma, "я$", "ен")}
base.vna = false
-- prefixed variants are perfective and don't have verbal nouns
base.vni = {"ко́лене", "клане́"}
elseif rfind(lemma, "ви́дя$") then
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ви́дя$", "видя́")
local yat_plural_stem = rsub(base.aor23, "я́$", "е́")
base.paappl = yat_plural_stem .. "ли"
-- Generate past passive participle stems.
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "н"
base.ppppl = yat_plural_stem .. "ни"
-- Generate imperative forms.
base.impv = rsub(lemma, "ви́дя$", "ви́ж")
-- perfective; no verbal noun
base.vna = false
base.vni = false
base.conj = "2.2"
elseif rfind(lemma, "кълна́$") then
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = {rsub(lemma, "кълна́$", "кле́"), lemma}
base.ppp = {rsub(lemma, "кълна́$", "кле́т"), lemma .. "т"}
base.vna = false
base.conj = "1.2"
elseif rfind(lemma, "сте́ля$") then
pres_advp_1conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "сте́ля$", "стла́")
base.ppp = base.aor23 .. "н"
base.vna = false
base.conj = "1.3"
elseif rfind(lemma, "беле́жа$") then
pres_advp_2conj(base, lemma)
impf_impv_12conj(base, lemma)
base.aor23 = rsub(lemma, "ле́жа$", "ля́за")
base.ppp = rsub(lemma, "ле́жа$", "ля́зан")
base.vna = false
error("Irregular verb '" .. lemma .. "' not yet supported")
local function postprocess_base(base, lemma)
if not base.pres1sg then
base.pres1sg = lemma
if not base.pres2sg then
base.pres2sg = map_append(base.pres3sg, "ш")
if not base.pres1pl then
base.pres1pl = map_append(base.pres3sg, "м")
if not base.pres2pl then
base.pres2pl = map_append(base.pres3sg, "те")
if not base.pres3pl then
base.pres3pl = map_append(base.pres1sg, "т")
if not base.aor then
base.aor = map_append(base.aor23, "х")
if base.prap == false then
base.prap = nil
elseif not base.prap then
base.prap = map_rsub(base.impf, "х$", "щ")
if not base.paap then
base.paap = map_rsub(base.aor, "х$", "л")
if not base.paapf then
base.paapf = map_append(base.paap, "а")
if not base.paapn then
base.paapn = map_rsub(base.paapf, "а(́?)$", "о%1")
if not base.paappl then
base.paappl = map_rsub(base.paapf, "а(́?)$", "и%1")
if not base.paip then
base.paip = map_rsub(base.impf, "х$", "л")
if not base.paipf then
base.paipf = map_append(base.paip, "а")
if not base.paipn then
base.paipn = map_rsub(base.paipf, "а(́?)$", "о%1")
if not base.paippl then
base.paippl = map_rsub(base.paipf, "а(́?)$", "и%1")
if not base.ppppl then
base.ppppl = map_append(base.ppp, "и")
if not base.impvpl then
base.impvpl = map_append(base.impv, "те")
local function aor_to_vn(form)
form = rsub(form, "я́х$", "е́не")
form = rsub(form, "х$", "не")
return form
local function impf_to_vn(form)
form = rsub(form, "[ая]́х$", "е́не")
form = rsub(form, "х$", "не")
return form
if base.vna == nil then
base.vna = iut.map_form_or_forms(base.aor, aor_to_vn, "first only")
if base.vni == nil then
base.vni = iut.map_form_or_forms(base.impf, impf_to_vn, "first only")
if base.vna == false and base.vni == false then
base.vn = nil
elseif base.vna == false then
base.vn = base.vni
elseif base.vni == false then
base.vn = base.vna
elseif base.vna == base.vni then
base.vn = base.vna
elseif base.aspect == "pf" then
-- No verbal noun.
base.vn = nil
elseif base.vnspec == "a" then
base.vn = base.vna
elseif base.vnspec == "i" then
base.vn = base.vni
elseif base.vnspec == "ai" then
base.vn = {base.vna, base.vni}
elseif base.vnspec == "ia" then
base.vn = {base.vni, base.vna}
elseif base.vnspec == "?" then
base.vn = "?"
error("Imperfective/biaspectual verb '" .. base.full_lemma .. "' has two possible verbal nouns, don't know which one to choose; specify 'vna' for " .. base.vna .. ", 'vni' for " .. base.vni .. ", or 'vnai' or 'vnia' for both")
local function parse_indicator_and_form_spec(angle_bracket_spec)
local inside = rmatch(angle_bracket_spec, "^<(.*)>$")
local base = {}
local parts = rsplit(inside, ".", true)
local conj
local start = 1
if parts[1] == "irreg" then
conj = "irreg"
start = 2
elseif rfind(parts[1], "^[123]$") then
conj = parts[1]
start = 2
if parts[2] and rfind(parts[2], "^[1-7]$") then
conj = conj .. "." .. parts[2]
start = 3
base.conj = conj
for i=start,#parts do
local part = parts[i]
if part == "impf" or part == "pf" or part == "both" then
if base.aspect then
error("Can't specify aspect twice: '" .. inside .. "'")
base.aspect = part
elseif part == "tr" or part == "intr" then
if base.trans then
error("Can't specify transitivity twice: " .. inside .. "'")
base.trans = part
elseif part == "т" or part == "тн" or part == "нт" then
if base.ppp_ending then
error("Can't specify past passive participle ending twice: " .. inside .. "'")
base.ppp_ending = part
elseif part == "-pref" then
if base.no_pref then
error("Can't specify '-pref' twice: " .. inside .. "'")
base.no_pref = true
elseif part == "vna" or part == "vni" or part == "vnai" or part == "vnia" or part == "vn?" then
if base.vnspec then
error("Can't specify verbal noun spec twice: " .. inside .. "'")
base.vnspec = rsub(part, "^vn", "")
elseif part == "impers" then
if base.impers then
error("Can't specify 'impers' twice: " .. inside .. "'")
base.impers = true
error("Unrecognized indicator '" .. part .. "': '" .. inside .. "'")
return base
-- Separate out reflexive suffix, check that multisyllabic lemmas have stress, and add stress
-- to monosyllabic lemmas if needed.
local function check_lemma_stress(base, lemma)
local active_verb, refl = rmatch(lemma, "^(.*) (с[еи])$")
if active_verb then
base.refl = refl
lemma = active_verb
lemma = com.add_monosyllabic_stress(lemma)
if not rfind(lemma, AC) then
error("Multisyllabic lemma '" .. lemma .. "' needs an accent")
if base.refl then
base.full_lemma = lemma .. " " .. base.refl
base.full_lemma = lemma
return lemma
local function impersonal_to_personal_lemma(lemma, conj)
local undo_first_palatalization = {
["ч"] = "к",
["ж"] = "г",
["ш"] = "х",
local function mustsub(from, to)
local newlemma = rsub(lemma, from, to)
if newlemma == lemma then
error("Unrecognized impersonal lemma for conjugation " .. conj .. ": " .. lemma)
return newlemma
local conj_is_2 = rfind(conj, "^2%.")
if conj == "1.1" then
return mustsub("(.)е(́?)$",
function(last_cons, accent)
return (undo_first_palatalization[last_cons] or last_cons) .. "а" .. accent
elseif conj == "1.2" or conj == "1.4" or conj == "1.5" or (conj == "1.7" and rfind(lemma, "ме$")) then
return mustsub("е(́?)$", "а%1")
elseif conj == "1.3" or conj == "1.6" or conj == "1.7" then
return mustsub("е(́?)$", "я%1")
elseif (conj_is_2 and rfind(lemma, "[чжш]е$")) then
return mustsub("и(́?)$", "а%1")
elseif conj_is_2 then
return mustsub("и(́?)$", "я%1")
elseif rfind(conj, "^3") then
return lemma .. "м"
error("Can't handle irregular impersonal verbs yet")
local function detect_indicator_and_form_spec(base, lemma)
if not base.aspect then
error("Aspect of 'pf', 'impf' or 'both' must be specified")
if base.refl then
if base.trans then
error("Can't specify transitivity with reflexive verb, they're always intransitive: '" .. base.full_lemma .. "'")
elseif not base.trans then
error("Transitivity of 'tr' or 'intr' must be specified")
local pers_ending = base.impers and "" or "м"
if not base.conj then
if rfind(lemma, "[ая]" .. pers_ending .. "$") then
base.conj = "3"
elseif base.impers then
error("For lemma ending in -е or -и, conjugation must be specified: '" .. lemma .. "'")
error("For lemma ending in -а or -я, conjugation must be specified: '" .. lemma .. "'")
elseif base.conj == "3.1" then
if not rfind(lemma, "а" .. pers_ending .. "$") then
error("Conjugation 3.1 lemma must end in -а" .. pers_ending .. ": '" .. lemma .. "'")
base.conj = "3"
elseif base.conj == "3.2" then
if not rfind(lemma, "я" .. pers_ending .. "$") then
error("Conjugation 3.2 lemma must end in -я" .. pers_ending .. ": '" .. lemma .. "'")
base.conj = "3"
elseif not conjs[base.conj] then
error("Unrecognized conjugation '" .. base.conj .. "' for lemma '" .. lemma .. "'")
base.orig_lemma = lemma
if base.impers then
lemma = impersonal_to_personal_lemma(lemma, base.conj)
base.prefixed = not base.no_pref and verb_may_be_prefixed(lemma)
return lemma
local function parse_word_spec(text)
local segments = iut.parse_balanced_segment_run(text, "<", ">")
if #segments ~= 3 or segments[3] ~= "" then
error("Verb spec must be of the form 'LEMMA<CONJ.SPECS>': '" .. text .. "'")
local lemma = segments[1]
local base = parse_indicator_and_form_spec(segments[2])
return base, lemma
local function format_gender(g)
return require("Module:gender and number").format_list({g})
local function show_forms(base, fullmod)
local forms = base.forms
local lemmas = {}
for _, lemma in ipairs(forms.lemma) do
table.insert(lemmas, com.remove_monosyllabic_stress(lemma))
local accel_lemma = lemmas[1]
forms.lemma = table.concat(lemmas, ", ")
local footnote_obj = com.init_footnote_obj()
for _, notr_slot in ipairs(verb_notr_slots) do
forms[notr_slot .. "_notr"] = com.display_one_form(footnote_obj, forms, notr_slot,
nil, nil, false, "slash join")
com.display_forms(footnote_obj, forms, forms, verb_slots, "is list", accel_lemma, slot_to_accel_form)
if fullmod then
com.display_forms(footnote_obj, forms, forms, fullmod.verb_compound_slots, "is list", nil, nil)
forms.refl = base.refl or ""
-- forms.along_with_refl = base.refl and "along with [[" .. base.refl .. "]]" or ""
forms.along_with_refl = ""
forms.gm = format_gender("m")
forms.gf = format_gender("f")
forms.gn = format_gender("n")
forms.gp = format_gender("p")
if base.footnote then
table.insert(footnote_obj.notes, base.footnote)
forms.footnote = table.concat(footnote_obj.notes, "<br />")
local function make_table(base, fullmod)
local forms = base.forms
local ann_parts = {}
if base.conj == "irreg" then
table.insert(ann_parts, "irregular")
table.insert(ann_parts, "conjugation " .. base.conj)
if base.irreg then
table.insert(ann_parts, "irregular")
base.aspect == "impf" and "imperfective" or
base.aspect == "pf" and "perfective" or
base.trans == "tr" and "transitive" or
base.trans == "intr" and "intransitive" or
if base.impers then
table.insert(ann_parts, "impersonal")
forms.annotation = " (" .. table.concat(ann_parts, ", ") .. ")"
-- auxiliaries used in the table
forms.nyama = link("ня́ма")
forms.nyamashe = link("ня́маше")
forms.nyamalo = link("ня́мало")
forms.shte = link("ще")
forms.shta = link("ща")
forms.da = link("да")
forms.bilo = link("било́")
forms.sam = link("съм")
forms.e = link("е")
forms.bada = link("бъ́да")
local aor_part_list_pers = [=[
{paap_ind_m_sg_notr} {gm}, {paap_ind_f_sg_notr} {gf}, {paap_ind_n_sg_notr} {gn}, or {paap_ind_pl_notr} {gp}]=]
local aor_part_list_impers = [=[
local impf_part_list_pers = [=[
{paip_m_sg_notr} {gm}, {paip_f_sg_notr} {gf}, {paip_n_sg_notr} {gn}, or {paip_pl_notr} {gp}]=]
local impf_part_list_impers = [=[
local table_spec_non_compound = [=[
<div class="NavFrame">
<div class="NavHead" align=left> การผันรูปของ {lemma}{annotation}</div>
<div class="NavContent" align="center">
{\op}| style="background:#F0F0F0; font-size: 90%; width:100%; margin: 0 auto 0 auto; text-align:center;" class="inflection-table"
! colspan="2" style="width:10%; background:#e2e4c0;" | participles
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | present active participle
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | past active aorist participle
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | past active imperfect participle
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | past passive participle
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | verbal noun
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | adverbial participle
! rowspan="3" style="background:#e2e4c0" | masculine
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | indefinite
| rowspan="5" |
| rowspan="9" |{advp}
! style="background:#e2e4c0; white-space: nowrap;" | definite subject form
! style="background:#e2e4c0; white-space: nowrap;" | definite object form
! rowspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | feminine
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | indefinite
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | definite
! rowspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | neuter
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | indefinite
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | definite
! rowspan="2" style="background:#e2e4c0" | plural
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | indefinite
! style="background:#e2e4c0" | definite
{\op}| style="background:#F0F0F0; font-size: 90%; width: 100%" class="inflection-table"
! colspan="{ncol}" rowspan="2" style="background:#C0C0C0" | person
! colspan="3" style="background:#C0C0C0" | singular
! colspan="3" style="background:#C0C0C0" | plural
! style="background:#C0C0C0;width:12.5%" | first
! style="background:#C0C0C0;width:12.5%" | second
! style="background:#C0C0C0;width:12.5%" | third
! style="background:#C0C0C0;width:12.5%" | first
! style="background:#C0C0C0;width:12.5%" | second
! style="background:#C0C0C0;width:12.5%" | third
! colspan="{ncol}" style="background:#c0cfe4" | indicative
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | аз
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | ти
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | той/тя/то
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | ние
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | вие
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | те
! colspan="{ncol}" style="background:#c0cfe4" | present
| {pres_1sg}
| {pres_2sg}
| {pres_3sg}
| {pres_1pl}
| {pres_2pl}
| {pres_3pl}
! colspan="{ncol}" style="background:#c0cfe4" | imperfect
| {impf_1sg}
| {impf_2sg}
| {impf_3sg}
| {impf_1pl}
| {impf_2pl}
| {impf_3pl}
! colspan="{ncol}" style="background:#c0cfe4" | aorist
| {aor_1sg}
| {aor_2sg}
| {aor_3sg}
| {aor_1pl}
| {aor_2pl}
| {aor_3pl}
local table_spec_compound_short = [=[
! rowspan="2" style="background:#c0cfe4" | future
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | pos.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use {shte} {refl} followed by the present indicative tense
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | neg.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use {nyama} {da} {refl} followed by the present indicative tense
! rowspan= "2" style="background:#c0cfe4" | future in the past
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | pos.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the imperfect indicative tense of {shta} followed by {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! style="background:#c0cfe4" | neg.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use {nyamashe} {da} {refl} followed by the present indicative tense
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0cfe4" | present perfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present indicative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0cfe4" | past perfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the imperfect indicative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0cfe4" | future perfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the future indicative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0cfe4" | future perfect in the past
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the future in the past indicative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0e4c0" | renarrative
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | аз
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | ти
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | той/тя/то
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | ние
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | вие
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | те
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0e4c0" | present and imperfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0; white-space: nowrap;" | Use the present indicative tense of {sam} (leave it out in third person) {along_with_refl} and {impf_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0e4c0" | aorist
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present indicative tense of {sam} (leave it out in third person) {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#c0e4c0" | future and future in the past
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | pos.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present/imperfect renarrative tense of {shta} followed by {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! style="background:#c0e4c0" | neg.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use {nyamalo} {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0e4c0" | present and past perfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present/imperfect renarrative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#c0e4c0" | future perfect and future perfect in the past
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the future/future in the past renarrative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#f0e68c" | dubitative
! style="background:#f0e68c" | аз
! style="background:#f0e68c" | ти
! style="background:#f0e68c" | той/тя/то
! style="background:#f0e68c" | ние
! style="background:#f0e68c" | вие
! style="background:#f0e68c" | те
! colspan="2" style="background:#f0e68c" | present and imperfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present/imperfect renarrative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {impf_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#f0e68c" | aorist
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the aorist renarrative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#f0e68c" | future and future in the past
! style="background:#f0e68c" | pos.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present/imperfect dubitative tense of {shta} followed by {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! style="background:#f0e68c" | neg.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use {nyamalo} {bilo} {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! colspan="2" style="background:#f0e68c" | present and past perfect
| colspan="6" |<div class="center">''none''</div>
! colspan="2" style="background:#f0e68c" | future perfect and future perfect in the past
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0; white-space: nowrap;" | Use the future/future in the past dubitative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#9be1ff" | conclusive
! style="background:#9be1ff" | аз
! style="background:#9be1ff" | ти
! style="background:#9be1ff" | той/тя/то
! style="background:#9be1ff" | ние
! style="background:#9be1ff" | вие
! style="background:#9be1ff" | те
! colspan="2" style="background:#9be1ff" | present and imperfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present indicative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {impf_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#9be1ff" | aorist
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present indicative tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! rowspan="2" style="background:#9be1ff" | future and future in the past
! style="background:#9be1ff" | pos.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present/imperfect conclusive tense of {shta} followed by {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! style="background:#9be1ff" | neg.
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use {nyamalo} {e} {da} {refl} and the present indicative tense
! colspan="2" style="background:#9be1ff" | present and past perfect
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the present/imperfect conclusive tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! colspan="2" style="background:#9be1ff" | future perfect and future perfect in the past
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0; white-space: nowrap;" | Use the future/future in the past conclusive tense of {sam} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
! rowspan="2" colspan="2" style="background:#f2b6c3" | conditional
! style="background:#f2b6c3" | аз
! style="background:#f2b6c3" | ти
! style="background:#f2b6c3" | той/тя/то
! style="background:#f2b6c3" | ние
! style="background:#f2b6c3" | вие
! style="background:#f2b6c3" | те
! colspan="6" style="background:#C0C0C0" | Use the first aorist indicative tense of {bada} {along_with_refl} and {aor_part_list}
local table_spec_end = [=[
! rowspan="2" colspan="{ncol}" style="background:#e4d4c0" | imperative
! style="background:#e4d4c0" | -
! style="background:#e4d4c0" | ти
! style="background:#e4d4c0" | -
! style="background:#e4d4c0" | -
! style="background:#e4d4c0" | вие
! style="background:#e4d4c0" | -
| {impv_sg}
| {impv_pl}
local notes_template = [===[
<div style="width:100%;text-align:left;background:#d9ebff">
<div style="display:inline-block;text-align:left;padding-left:1em;padding-right:1em">
forms.aor_part_list = m_string_utilities.format(
base.impers and aor_part_list_impers or aor_part_list_pers, forms)
forms.impf_part_list = m_string_utilities.format(
base.impers and impf_part_list_impers or impf_part_list_pers, forms)
forms.notes_clause = forms.footnote ~= "" and
m_string_utilities.format(notes_template, forms) or ""
forms.ncol = fullmod and "3" or "2"
local table_spec_compound = fullmod and fullmod.table_spec_compound_full or table_spec_compound_short
local table_spec = table_spec_non_compound .. table_spec_compound .. table_spec_end
return m_string_utilities.format(table_spec, forms)
-- Externally callable function to parse and decline a verb given user-specified arguments.
-- Return value is WORD_SPEC, an object where the declined forms are in `WORD_SPEC.forms`
-- for each slot. If there are no values for a slot, the slot key will be missing. The value
-- for a given slot is a list of objects {form=FORM, footnotes=FOOTNOTES}.
function export.do_generate_forms(parent_args, pos, from_headword, def)
local params = {
[1] = {required = true, default = def or "пра́вя<2.1.impf.tr>"},
footnote = {},
title = {},
full = {type = "boolean"},
if from_headword then
params.lemma = {list = true}
params.id = {}
params.pos = {default = pos}
params.cat = {list = true}
local args = m_para.process(parent_args, params)
if args.title then
pos = args.pos or pos -- args.pos only set when from_headword
local base, lemma = parse_word_spec(args[1])
lemma = check_lemma_stress(base, lemma)
lemma = detect_indicator_and_form_spec(base, lemma)
conjs[base.conj](base, lemma)
postprocess_base(base, lemma)
base.forms = {}
base.footnote = footnote
if base.refl then
if base.impers then
local fullmod
if args.full then
fullmod = require("Module:bg-verb/full")
base.forms.lemma = args.lemma and #args.lemma > 0 and args.lemma or
{base.orig_lemma .. (base.refl and " " .. base.refl or "")}
return base, fullmod
-- Main entry point. Template-callable function to parse and conjugate a verb given
-- user-specified arguments and generate a displayable table of the conjugated forms.
function export.show(frame)
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local base, fullmod = export.do_generate_forms(parent_args)
show_forms(base, fullmod)
return make_table(base, fullmod) .. require("Module:utilities").format_categories(base.categories, lang)
-- Template-callable function to parse and decline a noun given user-specified arguments and return
-- the forms as a string "SLOT=FORM,FORM,...|SLOT=FORM,FORM,...|...". Embedded pipe symbols (as might
-- occur in embedded links) are converted to <!>. If |include_props=1 is given, also include
-- additional properties (currently, only "|n=NUMBER"). This is for use by bots.
function export.generate_forms(frame)
local include_props = frame.args["include_props"]
local parent_args = frame:getParent().args
local base = export.do_generate_forms(parent_args)
return concat_forms(base, include_props)
return export