

จาก วิกิพจนานุกรม พจนานุกรมเสรี
Please document this template by describing its purpose and usage on the documentation page.

local data = {}

local U = mw.ustring.char
local macron  = U(0x304)	-- macron
local dot_above = U(0x307)	-- dot above
local ogonek = U(0x328)	-- ogonek
local acute = U(0x301)	-- acute
local caron = U(0x30C)	-- caron
local dot_below = U(0x323)	-- dot below
local tilde = U(0x303)	-- tilde
local tilde_below = U(0x330)	-- tilde below
local ring = U(0x30A)	-- ring above

data["ae"] = {
	[1] = {
		["ə" .. macron] = "𐬇",
		["a" .. ogonek .. macron] = "𐬅",
		["a" .. macron .. ring] = "𐬃",
		["s" .. caron .. acute] = "𐬳",
		["s" .. dot_below .. caron] = "𐬴",
		["ŋ" .. acute] = "𐬣",
		["ŋᵛ"] = "𐬤",
	[2] = {
		["a" .. macron] = "𐬁",
		["a" .. ring] = "𐬂",
		["a" .. ogonek] = "𐬄",
		["ə"] = "𐬆",
		["e" .. macron] = "𐬉",
		["o" .. macron] = "𐬋",
		["i" .. macron] = "𐬍",
		["u" .. macron] = "𐬏",
		["x" .. acute] = "𐬒",
		["xᵛ"] = "𐬓",
		["g" .. dot_above] = "𐬕",
		["γ"] = "𐬖",
		["θ"] = "𐬚",
		["δ"] = "𐬜",
		["t" .. tilde_below] = "𐬝",
		["β"] = "𐬡",
		["ŋ"] = "𐬢",
		["n" .. acute] = "𐬦",
		["n" .. dot_below] = "𐬧",
		["m" .. ogonek] = "𐬨",
		["y" .. dot_above] = "𐬪",
		["s" .. caron] = "𐬱",
		["z" .. caron] = "𐬲",
	[3] = {
		["a"] = "𐬀",
		["e"] = "𐬈",
		["o"] = "𐬊",
		["i"] = "𐬌",
		["u"] = "𐬎",
		["k"] = "𐬐",
		["x"] = "𐬑",
		["g"] = "𐬔",
		["c"] = "𐬗",
		["j"] = "𐬘",
		["t"] = "𐬙",
		["d"] = "𐬛",
		["p"] = "𐬞",
		["f"] = "𐬟",
		["b"] = "𐬠",
		["n"] = "𐬥",
		["m"] = "𐬨",
		["y"] = "𐬫",
		["v"] = "𐬬",
		["r"] = "𐬭",
		["l"] = "𐬮",
		["s"] = "𐬯",
		["z"] = "𐬰",
		["h"] = "𐬵",
		["%*"] = "⸱",
		["%."] = "𐬹",
	[4] = {
		["%-"] = "-",

data["ae-tr"] = {
	[1] = {
		["_"] = macron,
		["@"] = "ə",
		["ǝ"] = "ə", -- map "wrong" schwa to right one
		["ð"] = "δ", -- map alternative notation for δ
		["ɣ"] = "γ", -- map alternative notation for γ
		["j" .. caron] = "j", -- map ǰ (alternative notation) to regular j
		["c" .. caron] = "c", -- map č (alternative notation) to regular c
		["%*"] = dot_above,
		["`"] = ogonek,
		["'"] = acute,
		["%^"] = caron,
		["%."] = dot_below,
		["~"] = tilde_below,
		["0"] = ring,
		["aaE"] = "ə̄",
		["aaN"] = "ą̇",
		["aaO"] = "ā̊",
		["shy"] = "š́",
		["ssh"] = "ṣ̌",
		["ngy"] = "ŋ́",
		["ngv"] = "ŋᵛ",
		["w"] = "uu", -- map alternative notation for uu
		["t" .. tilde] = "t̰", -- map alternative notation for t̰
	[2] = {
		["aO"] = "å",
		["aN"] = "ą",
		["aE"] = "ə",
		["xy"] = "x́",
		["xv"] = "xᵛ",
		["gg"] = "ġ",
		["gh"] = "γ",
		["G"] = "γ",
		["th"] = "θ",
		["dh"] = "δ",
		["T"] = "θ",
		["D"] = "δ",
		["tt"] = "t̰",
		["bh"] = "β",
		["B"] = "β",
		["N"] = "ŋ",
		["ny"] = "ń",
		["nn"] = "ṇ",
		["hm"] = "m̨",
		["yy"] = "ẏ",
		["sh"] = "š",
		["zh"] = "ž",

return data