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  1. (mineralogy) ใยหิน


การผันรูปของ asbesti (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation)
กรรตุการก asbesti asbestit
สัมพันธการก asbestin asbestien
ภาคยการก asbestia asbesteja
illative asbestiin asbesteihin
เอกพจน์ พหูพจน์
กรรตุการก asbesti asbestit
กรรมการก nom. asbesti asbestit
gen. asbestin
สัมพันธการก asbestin asbestien
ภาคยการก asbestia asbesteja
inessive asbestissa asbesteissa
elative asbestista asbesteista
illative asbestiin asbesteihin
adessive asbestilla asbesteilla
อปาทานการก asbestilta asbesteilta
allative asbestille asbesteille
essive asbestina asbesteina
translative asbestiksi asbesteiksi
abessive asbestitta asbesteitta
instructive asbestein
comitative ดูรูปผันแสดงความเป็นเจ้าของด้านล่าง
รูปผันแสดงความเป็นเจ้าของของ asbesti (Kotus type 5/risti, no gradation)
first-person singular possessor
เอกพจน์ พหูพจน์
กรรตุการก asbestini asbestini
กรรมการก nom. asbestini asbestini
gen. asbestini
สัมพันธการก asbestini asbestieni
ภาคยการก asbestiani asbestejani
inessive asbestissani asbesteissani
elative asbestistani asbesteistani
illative asbestiini asbesteihini
adessive asbestillani asbesteillani
อปาทานการก asbestiltani asbesteiltani
allative asbestilleni asbesteilleni
essive asbestinani asbesteinani
translative asbestikseni asbesteikseni
abessive asbestittani asbesteittani
comitative asbesteineni
second-person singular possessor
เอกพจน์ พหูพจน์
กรรตุการก asbestisi asbestisi
กรรมการก nom. asbestisi asbestisi
gen. asbestisi
สัมพันธการก asbestisi asbestiesi
ภาคยการก asbestiasi asbestejasi
inessive asbestissasi asbesteissasi
elative asbestistasi asbesteistasi
illative asbestiisi asbesteihisi
adessive asbestillasi asbesteillasi
อปาทานการก asbestiltasi asbesteiltasi
allative asbestillesi asbesteillesi
essive asbestinasi asbesteinasi
translative asbestiksesi asbesteiksesi
abessive asbestittasi asbesteittasi
comitative asbesteinesi
first-person plural possessor
เอกพจน์ พหูพจน์
กรรตุการก asbestimme asbestimme
กรรมการก nom. asbestimme asbestimme
gen. asbestimme
สัมพันธการก asbestimme asbestiemme
ภาคยการก asbestiamme asbestejamme
inessive asbestissamme asbesteissamme
elative asbestistamme asbesteistamme
illative asbestiimme asbesteihimme
adessive asbestillamme asbesteillamme
อปาทานการก asbestiltamme asbesteiltamme
allative asbestillemme asbesteillemme
essive asbestinamme asbesteinamme
translative asbestiksemme asbesteiksemme
abessive asbestittamme asbesteittamme
comitative asbesteinemme
second-person plural possessor
เอกพจน์ พหูพจน์
กรรตุการก asbestinne asbestinne
กรรมการก nom. asbestinne asbestinne
gen. asbestinne
สัมพันธการก asbestinne asbestienne
ภาคยการก asbestianne asbestejanne
inessive asbestissanne asbesteissanne
elative asbestistanne asbesteistanne
illative asbestiinne asbesteihinne
adessive asbestillanne asbesteillanne
อปาทานการก asbestiltanne asbesteiltanne
allative asbestillenne asbesteillenne
essive asbestinanne asbesteinanne
translative asbestiksenne asbesteiksenne
abessive asbestittanne asbesteittanne
comitative asbesteinenne
third-person possessor
เอกพจน์ พหูพจน์
กรรตุการก asbestinsa asbestinsa
กรรมการก nom. asbestinsa asbestinsa
gen. asbestinsa
สัมพันธการก asbestinsa asbestiensa
ภาคยการก asbestiaan
inessive asbestissaan
elative asbestistaan
illative asbestiinsa asbesteihinsa
adessive asbestillaan
อปาทานการก asbestiltaan
allative asbestilleen
essive asbestinaan
translative asbestikseen
abessive asbestittaan
comitative asbesteineen





asbesti (พบได้ยาก)

  1. พหูพจน์ของ asbestos
    • 1727, John Strachey, “Magnesia”, in Observations on the Different Strata of Earths, and Minerals. More Parricularly[sic] of such as are found in the Coal-Mines of Great Britain, London: Printed for J. Walthoe,  [], “§ 107.”, page 51:
      Cronstedt Min. §§ 79---83. and perhaps § 102—105 alſo; but I have not yet ſubmitted the aſbeſti to the liquid analyſis.
      (Aſbeſtos in page 4.)
    • 1748, John Hill, “Series II. Class II. Order II. Genus I. Asbesti”, in A General Natural History: or, New and Accurate Descriptions of the Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, of the Different Parts of the World; [], volume I: “The History of Fossils.”, London: Printed for Thomas Osborne,  [], “Sect. II. ASBESTI, whoſe filaments are naturally diſunited, and never form’d into compact maſſes”, “1. Aſbeſtus albeſcens, filamentoſus, fibris latiuſculis. White, looſe, thready Aſbeſtos, with broad filaments.”, page 105:
      This is a very ſingular and beautiful Foſſil, it is not found in veins in marble as many of the other Aſbeſti are, nor in compact and ſeparate maſſes of itſelf in the earth as the reſt; but ever in a looſe diſhevell’d form, and very much reſembling the artificially ſeparated filaments of ſome unknown ſpecies of that body; it is uſually found in conſiderable bundles, and is compos’d of long and generally crooked filaments of a flatted figure, and of a pure ſnow white; they are conſiderably broader than the filaments of any known ſpecies of the Aſbeſtos, and are found from two inches, to eight, ten, twelve, or more in length: []
    • 1791, “IV. Of the Asbestine Earth”, in Essays Physical and Chemical, Edinburgh: Printed for G. Mudie,  [], and J. & J. Fairbairn,  [], translation of original by Torbern Bergman, “§ xv. Corollary”, page 203:
      For, at the time that this paper was written, no perfect analyſis of the aſbeſtos had as yet been made, and two only of its principles were known. We would, however, hope to flatter ourſelves, that we have determined the ſpecific difference of the aſbeſtos among eleven varieties, both as to their agreement in external characters as well as inward compoſition. / The aſbeſti have been hitherto applied to little or no uſe. Formerly, indeed, cloths made of the ſoftest kinds were employed to wrap up the bodies of the dead, that, by its qualities of reſiſting fire, their aſhes might be preſerved. But on the abolition of funeral piles, the utility of the aſbeſtos ceaſed.
    • 1802, “INCOMBUSTIBLE cloth”, in The English Encyclopædia: Being a Collection of Treatises, and a Dictionary of Terms, Illustrative of the Arts and Sciences, volume IV, London: Printed for G. Kearsley, page 640, column 2:
      See Asbestos. On this Cronſtedt obſerves, that the natural ſtore of the aſbeſti is in proportion to their economical uſe, both being very inconſiderable.
    • [1966, Marshall Houts; Irwin H. Haut, Death, volume 3:
      Some pathostreptococci, slightly hemolytic and also some coagulase, negative staphylococci or staphylococcus, as well as asbestos bodies. / Q. They call it asbesti on here. / A. Well. asbestos bodies.
  2. พหูพจน์ของ asbestus
    • 1748, John Hill, “Series II. Class II. Order II. Genus I. Asbesti”, in A General Natural History: or, New and Accurate Descriptions of the Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals, of the Different Parts of the World; [], volume I: “The History of Fossils.”, London: Printed for w:Thomas Osborne (publisher), “Sect. II. ASBESTI, whoſe filaments are naturally diſunited, and never form’d into compact maſſes”, “1. Aſbeſtus albeſcens, filamentoſus, fibris latiuſculis. White, looſe, thready Aſbeſtos, with broad filaments.”, page 105:
      [] they are the largeſt of all the ultimate fibres of the Aſbeſti, but are evidently ſuch. This ſeems the lighteſt of all the ſpecies of the Aſbeſtus.
    • 1762 February, “Natural History, Selected from the best authors ancient and modern”, in The Edinburgh Magazine, page 59, column 2:
      Theſe are the Aſbeſti. The antients uſed to make cloth of the Aſbeſtus, which they called linum incombuſlabile.
    • 1763, “AMIANTHUS”, in A New and Complete Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, Comprehending All the Branches of Useful Knowledge,  [], volume I, second edition, London: Printed for W. Owen,  [], page 122, column 2:
      AMIANTHUS, in natural hiſtory, vulgarly called earth-lax, a fibroſe, flexile, and elaſtic mineral subſtance, compoſed of ſhort and abrupt filaments; being a genus of that order of foſſils called aſbeſti. See the article Asbestus.
    • 1770, “I. Earths”, “3. The garnet-kind”, in Gustav von Engestrom, transl.; Emanuel Mendes da Costa, editor, An Essay Towards a System of Mineralogy, London: Printed for Edward and Charles Dilly, translation of original by Axel Fredric Cronstedt, “B. Shirl or cockle”, “1. Mixed with iron”, “D. (Sect. LXXV) Cryſtalliſed cockle, or ſhirl, Baſaltes cryſtalliſatus”, page 82:
      To this ſpecies of cockle, or ſhirl, belong moſt of thoſe ſubſtances called imperfect aſbeſti; and as the cockle perfectly resembles a flag from an iron furnace, both in regard to its metallic contents, and its glaſſy texture, it is no wonder that it is not ſoft enough to be taken for an aſbeſtus. It has however, only for the ſake of its ſtructure, been ranked among the aſbeſti; and it is ſurpriſing, that the fibrous gypſum, จากAndrarum, in the province of Skone, has eſcaped being on the ſame account confounded with them. The ſtriated cockle, or ſhirl, compared to the aſbeſti, is of a ſhining and angular ſurface (though this ſometimes requires the aid of the magnifying-glaſs to be diſcovered) always ſomewhat tranſparent, and is pretty eaſily brought to a glaſs with the blow-pipe, without being conſumed, as the pure aſbeſti ſeem to be.
    • 1771, J. Hill, “Native Fossils”, in Fossils Arranged according to their Obvious Characters; [], London: Printed for R. Baldwin,  []; and P. Elmsly,  [], “Class VII. Asbestine Fossils. Asbestiæ”, page 158:
      ’Tis ſaid, the Aſbeſti are formed of Talc, reſolving itſelf into Clay: it muſt then have been ſtriated in the plated ſtate: but ’tis not ſo.
      (Aſbeſtus in index.)








  1. สัมพันธการก เอกพจน์ของ asbest
  2. ภาคยการก เอกพจน์ของ asbest
  3. illative เอกพจน์ของ asbest